May 28, 2024 was the last Interact meeting for the 2023-2024 school year.  The students had a very successful year completing many Service projects. They participated in elementary school carnivals and open houses.  Their visit to Westmont senior Living with Valentine gift bags was especially rewarding to the recipients and the students. As one of their final efforts, the students held a garage sale to raise money for their International project.  The contributed $200 to help build a house in Mexico.  Several East County Rotary Clubs and Interact students will build the house on June 29,2024.The senior officer leaders were Shannon Elwin, Grace Dilgard, and Mylie Weston.  Several Rotarians attended and presented the students with an Interact shirt and delicious cupcakes.
The Junior students who were elected as officers for 2024-2025 presented ALL of the senior Interact students with a package to show their gratefulness for the senior members.
It was a very special  moment, which led to a BIG group hug.